Sunday, March 30, 2014

Great Race of Agoura 10k

I know I keep saying this, but I have been extremely busy between work, training and social life, so I'm not getting posts up like I want. I ran the LA marathon earlier this month and hope to get a report up on that soon. Last weekend I ran the Great Race of Agoura 10k and wanted to get a quick little report up on that.
The Great Race of Agoura has been on my wish list for a couple years now. Late last year, my cousin and his wife contacted me to let me know they would be running it and invited me to tag along. The cool thing about the Great Race of Agoura is that they have two half marathons taking place on the same day. One of the halves is a trail run and the other is street. I've always wanted to do both for various reasons, but it has never worked in my schedule. When they told me they were doing it, I got pretty excited.
For once, I decided to play it smart. I knew I would most likely be doing the LA marathon, which takes places 13 days before, so instead of doing one of the half marathons, I decided to do the 10k with my cousin. This was his first race and longest run ever! How can I pass that up!
Beautiful scenery!
They picked up my packet the day before, so I can't report much on that, but it sounded like it went relatively smoothly. Race morning we got there an hour early and had no problem getting parking. It was a little bit of a hike to the start line, but nothing too daunting. We got to watch one of the half marathons start and then we lined up for the 10k.
Everything went pretty well. I enjoyed a lot of the course! Lot's of neighborhoods, a tiny bit of trail, some hill work and even horses! Although the horses meant that we had to dodge some horse poop (a new experience for me)! My cousin did awesome and finished smiling, which is always a good sign!
Finish line!
Yay bling!
At the finish there was all kinds of festivities and free food. We got the free pancakes and wandered the expo booths for awhile before calling it a day and heading home. 
The race offered free event photos (all the ones in this report with their name in the corner) which I thought was super cool. The only problem with the race that I noticed, was that a lot of people's times were missing. I think most of them were resolved a week or so later, but it was disappointing for my cousin to not have an official time with everyone else until later.

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